Wow long time no update. Let's see. Today in Science we learned more about weather fronts. We are in the meteorology unit. In Ceramics I worked on my drape mold project. Earlier i made a cup on the wheel. Now i only have to make a bowl and a plate. In Gym we did "reindeer games" Lots of fun. Mostly relay races. In drafting we did more CAD (computer aided design) We started that on Monday. It's better than hand drawing. I really can't believe that there are only 8 days before Christmas. Wow did time fly!
December 17, 2004
November 17, 2004
I haven't updated in a while. Let's see. Thursday was fun. Lunch was hilarious! Friday nothing fun happened that i can remember. Last weekend. Hmmm what did we do? We went to Chuck E cheese to celebrate something. Sunday we cleaned kitchen cupboards out. and rearranged them. Monday was Dad's birthday. Yesterday, Science we did ? Ceramics we're working on coil pots. Also I have a bulletin board along with 2 other people to do. Gym we played speedball kinda soccer and basketball combined kinda. Drafting I worked on mechanical drawing. I started working in that chapter a couple days ago. It's funner than sketching freehand. All the lines had to be perfect to get 10/10 I got 9/10 on most of them. Which is a B. I don't like the new grading system. Today was about the same. Science we had a quiz. Ceramics Agustina and i went to the library to work on the bulletin board. Gym I played soccer with 9 other people 5 on 5. That was fun. Lunch. Eh it was quiet. Ariel was at the First Priority table for their fundraiser. Drafting was the same old. I was printing pics for the bulletin board earlier. Tomorrow we're on the wheels so it isn't due until Fri. I'm not sure when the coil pots are due. Well mom's making tacos for supper. Coincidentally i had tacos/nachos with meat and lettuce for lunch. So two meals the same! Woohoo! Well gotta go Bye!
November 3, 2004
Yes I did have fun in New York for those of you wondering. Lots! Hiding pumpkins was fun! This year four of my cousins helped instead of just one. kinda of made it more hectic but that might have just been the fact that we had three wards this year. Ok fill in for those of you who are totally lost. Corning, New York has a Great Pumpkin Hunt every Halloween(or around) and there are clues somewhere to help find the Great Pumpkin that is hiden somewhere in town. The town is also divided into 10 wards where 10 other pumpkins are hidden. The firefighters volunteer to hide pumpkins in certain wards. Last year we only had 1. This year we had three. Oh and my uncle is a firefighter so thats how i get involved. last year my cousin asked me if i wanted to help them and i thought sure something to do. so i helped then and this year. Fun both times! Ok so whats the point well the same night as the hunt the ice-skating rink has a little Halloween party with games and stuff. If a kid comes in with a great pumpkin they get this bag of goodies. Yep thats about it. Lots of fun for kids. Kinda young (the party and games) for me but its fun to go watch.
Ok tuesday was the beginning of the second marking period. Yep! Now i have gym and Drafting 1 instead of Computer and Graphic Arts. And i switched lunches. Now i have lunch with lauren and abby and ariel. Yay! So far they seem ok. Drafting is drawing technically. and gym is team sports. sounds boring. I wasn't there for ceramics or gym today. I had my last doctor appointment up at hershey with the one doctor. The growth hormone is all over. Yay! Yep then i came back in time for drafting. really boring. Oh no we have a mid-term in science on friday. Hope i do ok. Couldn't do much damage since i have a 97 in there. Well mom wants me off so byes.
Ok tuesday was the beginning of the second marking period. Yep! Now i have gym and Drafting 1 instead of Computer and Graphic Arts. And i switched lunches. Now i have lunch with lauren and abby and ariel. Yay! So far they seem ok. Drafting is drawing technically. and gym is team sports. sounds boring. I wasn't there for ceramics or gym today. I had my last doctor appointment up at hershey with the one doctor. The growth hormone is all over. Yay! Yep then i came back in time for drafting. really boring. Oh no we have a mid-term in science on friday. Hope i do ok. Couldn't do much damage since i have a 97 in there. Well mom wants me off so byes.
October 30, 2004
Spooky Halloween!!!!
Hi! It's halloween. I'm visiting family in upstate new york. Today I might be going trick-or-treating later. Then I will probably hide pumpkins. That will be fun! I always have fun up here. There's more stuff to do. Nobody lives near me in PA. And I never see anybody either. Well That's all. Don't know what to write. Byes
October 21, 2004
I'm bored once again. Nothing to do oh i know i should look for somewhere to volunteer. I was thinking library-Dover. but they aren't open very late and i don't know anybody there. good way to meet new and weird people. maybe i could volunteer somewhere with animals. That reminds me. I went to some reception thinger a couple weeks ago and my aunt asks me if i knew what i wanted to be when i grow up. Of course i said not really something with computers i might not have mentioned that but oh well. then my great uncle(who was standing there) was like if you want to be a veterinarian go talk to so and so. anyhow then a couple days later for some reason i was thinking about being a vet. Weird. I mean ever since Career project i've been planning the tech. pathway for school. now im not sure. so confusing. Ehh that took too long. Well today was boring really some type of quiz in science. Oh and on channel 1 they had results for the mock election. For those of you who don't know they had a world wide mock election for president in schools who watch them. Anywho. Bush won!!! Yay! Now all you people who can vote should listen to us and Vote for Bush!
October 19, 2004
Boo Hoo!
Oh we had our last field hockey game yesterday. And I didn't get a goal! So disappointed. I didn't think I came that close even. oh well. I am sad that I won't be able to see many of my field hockey friends anymore as much. Today nothing exciting happened. boring day. We had a quiz in Science. fun. (sarcasm) (sp?) ok um nothing else. getting kind of stressed with the end of marking period coming fast. In computer we are rushing to get Excel done it seems. All she does is do notes. In graphic arts i have to finish my businesas card and do a portfolio of my work. ahh! Oh well I have plenty of time hopefully. I'll stay after school next week if needed. Hmm. nothing else really. Being bored with no practice or anything. I need something to do this winter/spring. Maybe I'll volunteer somewhere. Don't know where though. Eh I jabbering on and on. That's how bored i am. Ooo complaints...My throat really hurts. It started Sunday morning. Now my nose is stuffy and yeh. Not fun! I never get to talk to anyone. I'm so lonely. It seems like all i do is focus on schol and other stuff. Doesn't seem like i'm anti-social or something. I don't know. Ehh should go byez
October 15, 2004
Last Practice!
Today we had our last practice. So sad. No more seniors they are leaving. Well at the end of this year. Same diff. Anywho. TOday was boring. Lets see. Science eh. More rock notes. Metamorphic. Ceramics last day for gargoyles and grotesques. i was done already though. Our shoes got fired. Comp- talk about boring! more about Excel. some pretty difficult stuff. Graphic arts is fun working on project 4. don't have a group for my business card yet though. : ( Oh well. I'll work on it Monday. Practice was fun. The Varsity backs were arguing over who played right wing. None of them wanted to play it cause that's where I come up the field. I wear them out. Fun! We played toilet tag at the end. We played that at Bobcat PRIDE. Not sure i enjoy it. It was funner this time though. Wednesday we played partner tag of some sort. That was fun. You like link arms with someone. And one person or more is it. Then people run around and if they link onto your partner you have to go some where else. HArd to explain. Oh well. Yesterday we had senior night against West York. JV tied 1-1(or 0-0 in the paper) and Varsity won 2-1. Yay! That was fun. I didn't play Varsity though. It was seniors night i guess. Doesn't matter. I almost had a goal. but it didn't go in. should have. it was right there. I have to get a goal on MOnday.
I'm going to have a busy weekend. Well not really. not sure. I finished my science homework. Some realtor is coming tomorrow to look at our house and give it a market value. Don't panic we are not moving out any time soon. We are kind of looking for houses that have land. We looked at a couple but didn't find one yet. It is possiblethough. We ARE staying in the district. Dad decided to do the roof this weekend. OR start it anyway. he's going to start tomorrow if it's nice. We have the shingles and everything. Well got to go. Byez
I'm going to have a busy weekend. Well not really. not sure. I finished my science homework. Some realtor is coming tomorrow to look at our house and give it a market value. Don't panic we are not moving out any time soon. We are kind of looking for houses that have land. We looked at a couple but didn't find one yet. It is possiblethough. We ARE staying in the district. Dad decided to do the roof this weekend. OR start it anyway. he's going to start tomorrow if it's nice. We have the shingles and everything. Well got to go. Byez
October 12, 2004
Field hockey almost over : (
Oh noo! Field hockey season is almost over. Our last game is on Monday. Lets see a lot has happened in one week. On thursday we went to Kennard Dale for a game. There was a lot of traffic on Rt. 83. We had to take a detour on little roads. We got there at 4:00. The Varsity game started at 4:30-delayed. One of the officials was late too. I got to play alot. in both halves i went in for Rachel. Fun! Varsity is a lot faster paced than JV. I lose my breath sooner. Oh well. JV only got to play 1 half cause it was getting dark. I could have only played one half anyhow so.. This weekend was fun. we went to a wedding reception for my mom's cousins. (my second cousins?) That was fun. i guess. it got cold. They got married a month ago on the beach but i don't know. On Sunday We did nothing. Well, we cleaned the garage. Oh and we went for a bike ride at Pinchot State Park. That was fun. On monday. We had NO SCHOOL!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! I had to get up at 7:00 though cause I took my guinea pig into my sister's class for "G" which was last week. We also had a Varsity game. I played a little but not as much. I'm still happy to play. We lost 3-2 against Living Word but coach said we did better and I think we did too. Today was boring. School I mean. Science we did more rock and minerals. Now it rocks. interesting. Ceramics we hid from Ms. Stover and worked on Gargoyles. Comp do not get me started. I was ready to go to sleep. we are learning about Excel now. There's something we haven't learned 10 times. but still. OH well In Graph. Arts we had a guest person from the Art Institutes come in and do some presentation on arts. Then we had practice. We got our sweatshirts and stuff. Really cool. I think we are wearing them on thursday for the senior night. Well should go Byes
October 5, 2004
Field Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay!! I had so much fun tonight. We had our home game against Eastern. I got to play for Varsity in the second half. It was fun. I got an assist on a goal too! Right when I went in I got the ball and took it to our end. Then i passed it to Tessa and she hit it in! Yay!!! Abby was there! Soo happy she came. On thursday we go to Kennard-Dale. Really far away. Next home game is on October 11 against Living Word. Please come watch!It might not be very exciting though so...whatever. doesn't matter. fun at school-kinda. Gotta go byes
September 23, 2004
Wow! It has been a long time since I last wrote. Ok I don't think Jv has won any more field hockey games. We tied against Eastern 0-0. Nobody scored. Varsity won in overtime 2-1. I hope we get more wins. Today we played Kennard-Dale (undefeated). Varsity lost 2-1 and JV lost 3-0. It should have been only 1-0 because two of their goals went off of someone's foot. I think the refs. were leaning toward them the whole game. but it happens. We had a bunch of time when we took a hit up the field. Then I sprinted for it and got to it. When I tried to hit it into the circle though, someone got it and hit it the other way. Saturday Varsity plays Christian School of York. Next Wednesday we have an away game at West York. Next Home Game is Tues. Oct. 5 against Eastern. Hopefully we win some more games. We'll win against West York probably. They aren't too good from what I hear.
I'm thinking of joining student senate. Not too sure about it though. I'll have to think about it. Well, night.
I'm thinking of joining student senate. Not too sure about it though. I'll have to think about it. Well, night.
September 13, 2004
Field Hockey game!
Ok so we had a home game today against littlestown, right. Varsity just lost 3-4. Really close game. Their winning goal shouldn't have counted. But anywho. Then JV played. And won! We won 3-1 against Littlestown Stickers. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Go JV! Lauren got 2 goals and Jess got 1. Yippee. Can you tell I'm happy? We won our first game of the season. I guess I wasn't "stretching it too far." : ) I think people should come watch us. More than just parents anyhow. The Varsity starts at 4:15 and JV(I play) starts around 5:30 Our next home game is Thursday against Fairfield. Littlestown was really rough. Some people were getting kinda mad. The rest of the day was fine. Kinda boring. Longer class periods seem to make the day go faster. Probably becaus there are less classes. Well I should go.
P.S Anonymous- I'm not very good at guessing games. It could be a lot of people. I don't even know where to start...: )
P.S Anonymous- I'm not very good at guessing games. It could be a lot of people. I don't even know where to start...: )
September 11, 2004
God Bless the USA!
This goes out to people who lost a family member in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also to all the soldiers who are over in the middle east and other place protecting this country. This country is free because of the brave. God bless you! & God Bless the USA!
I'm proud to be an American!
I'm proud to be an American!
Update, Update!
Yay! I'm excited about updating for some reason. Ok. Wednesday. I cant' remember back that far. Nothing special. We had practice inside Spring Forge cause of a little rain. And it was short too. On Thursday, a lot of stuff happened. In the morning normal calsses. Science-test, hmrm-boring, ceramics-finished my relief project,. Then I got out early to go to a doctor's appointment in Hershey for my back. It didn't get much worse. I stopped my medicine then it wasn't really helping. By the way Ch. 1 had another story about growth hormone. That's like 2 in half a year it seems. Anyhow, then my parents drove me up to Biglerville for our field hockey game. This is the exciting part. We watched the varsity, i don't remember the score. Then we went out and played. Right at the end of the first half, the one girl on our team got a goal. First one of the season. We just about freaked out. We were like Oh my gosh we got a goal. Too bad Martha(our coach) wasn't there. :( We lost 2-1 not too bad. Next week we have 3 games. Monday home against Littlestown, Wednesday away at Hanover, and Thrusday home against Fairfield. Maybe we can win one. That might be stretching it though. Friday- picture day I think i blinked. Nothing special. Today we went to some rally. Other than that nothing happened. My parents want me outside. Even though I'm outside 10 hours a week for practice/games. More than some people. Oh well should go.
September 7, 2004
I'm tired. We had a game today home against Bermudian Springs Eagles. They were really good on defense. We only got down to the circle a couple of times. The Varsity score was 3-1 and JV was 5-0. I think we played better though. It's kinda hard to tell. And the refs didn't know what they were doing. Maybe they saw things. I don't know. Anywho. Now i'm sittin here all smelly need to take a shower. I played a whole game. I didn't go out at all. Really tiring. Won't do that again. School was ok. I spent half the day thinking it was the 6th. Hope everyone had a fun day of for labor day!
September 4, 2004
It's been a really long time since I last wrote. I have now finished 8 days of high school. Yay! Before I know it, it'll be the second marking period. Yesterday, we had our first field hockey game. Yay! We didn't do so well, but they were a really good team. We were away at Delone Catholic. The Varsity played first and I thought they played very well. Score was 2-0. Then we played. I play front line. It was a lot of fun, even though we lost 6-0. I almost scored a couple of times though. On Tuesday we play home against Bermudian Springs. Hopefully it will be just as much fun.
We might go to a corn maze sometime this weekend. We haven't decided yet. Oh well. Oh, does anyone (familiar to Blogger) now how to show another blog on the blog? Somehow I want to put the family blog link on this one. Didn't figure out how to though.
We might go to a corn maze sometime this weekend. We haven't decided yet. Oh well. Oh, does anyone (familiar to Blogger) now how to show another blog on the blog? Somehow I want to put the family blog link on this one. Didn't figure out how to though.
August 28, 2004
Fun Fun Fun!
Well today we did a lot of fun things. First I slept in until 9:30. So different from weekdays! Then I ate breakfast, took a shower,... Dad decided to fix the living room light/fan. He broke the chain and had to fix it. So then it was around noon so we watched clips of Miracle. Outtakes, and other stuff. Ate lunch. Then we all got in the pool and played with water balloons. That was fun! After that we went up to Pinchot and went canoeing. not as fun. Anyhow then we got milkshakes so that made up for it. Then we came home and ate supper. Kristi made cookies and i did stuff online for dad. Interesting huh? Well got to go
August 27, 2004
Yay! It's finally friday! I made it through 3 days of high school. Without being really late for any classes. Oh and I had my lunch changed from C to A. I think I like A better even though Abby, Lauren, and Ariel aren't in that lunch. :'( But a lot of other people are. Brittni, Jil, Alicia, Carolyn, Paige, Chantel, Kristin, etc. Intro to Comp. is really boring! We learned fancy names for places on the Word screen. Some of them Dad didn't even know! We had an all running day in field hockey. Coach was nice and cut it short though.
August 24, 2004
School's Coming
Wow! I can't believe that school is one day away. Kristi already started so I had two free days! Yay! I'm a little nervous about high school, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. It hasn't hit me yet that I'm going to high school. At least I know some people there from field hockey. Yesterday there was an open house/ ice cream social at the high school. First some teachers and principals talked. Then we got in tour groups and toured the school. Last we went to the cafeteria to get "ice cream." Actually it was raspberry and orange sherbert frozen yogurt on sticks. 99% fat free. Yuck! They had pretzels though. We were the last ones there. It took really long too. Well, Byes
August 21, 2004
My Schedule!

Well here's my new schedule
Oh and my homeroom teacher is Mr. Marrs-312. Hope you are all looking forward to this school year.
If I know u and we have any classes together let me know
It really stinks that they had to take Biology away from us and mess up all of our schedules.
Update Update!!
Ok. It's been about two days and so much has happened. On Thursday afternoon practice we ran the mile. I got the great time of... 7:58!!! : ) Yay! We ran a different route though. On Wednesday we ran on the track which is 0.25 miles around.(4 times) Kind of boring. On thursday we ran around the parking lots of our two schools. I think more cross-country type. Then around 5:15 it started to lightning so our coaches made us get in cars to go home. It slowly started to rain then pour. Then it started hailing. It was really loud and the wind was blowing. Scary!!!
On friday we ran a really long run in the morning. It was about 3 miles long. A lot of people got mad at the person who suggested it. Then we went to eat lunch with Dad at his work. They were having "Toilet Paper Olympics." Then Mom, Kristi and I went shopping for cleats for me, a mouthguard. Afternoon practice was an hour later because we had an alumni game. A bunch of past players came to play against us around 6:00. They only had 8 people so our coaches had to play with them and we had to sub. for them. We had a lot of fun even though I was just learning how to play. My indoor hockey camp was so much different. There were a lot more people on our team yesterday.
On thursday Mom got a call from one of my classmates' mom about my high school schedule. She was talking about Biology. Apparently the school determined that Ninth-graders were not allowed to take biology. Our schedules had already been made so we had to go in and change my schedule again. So I'm going to take my old schedule out and put my new one in. Well that's about it Cya later.
On friday we ran a really long run in the morning. It was about 3 miles long. A lot of people got mad at the person who suggested it. Then we went to eat lunch with Dad at his work. They were having "Toilet Paper Olympics." Then Mom, Kristi and I went shopping for cleats for me, a mouthguard. Afternoon practice was an hour later because we had an alumni game. A bunch of past players came to play against us around 6:00. They only had 8 people so our coaches had to play with them and we had to sub. for them. We had a lot of fun even though I was just learning how to play. My indoor hockey camp was so much different. There were a lot more people on our team yesterday.
On thursday Mom got a call from one of my classmates' mom about my high school schedule. She was talking about Biology. Apparently the school determined that Ninth-graders were not allowed to take biology. Our schedules had already been made so we had to go in and change my schedule again. So I'm going to take my old schedule out and put my new one in. Well that's about it Cya later.
August 19, 2004
Mini golf
We went mini-golfing last night! We were going to go Tuesday, but I was really tired. First I had a long practice in the morning. Then we went to pinchot state park and rode our bikes on some trails. By then I wasn't really tired. Last I had afternoon practice which really wore me out. We went for supper by the golf place and I was really tired and I didn't feel that good either. Oh well. I just found out that i have some type of allergy. Whenever afternoon practice is over my eyes hurt really bad and burn. I think it's something on the field because our legs get this black stuff all over them at practices. The athletic director doesn't know anything about it. Maybe the allergy is the same stuff. I don't know.
4 days of hockey
Wow. My muscles hurt a lot. And I need to really improve my mile time. Yesterday it was 10:05. But I wasn't that tired afterwards so... This morning we got there and warmed up, but as we were stretching it started to rain. The other players said we would probably just keep practicing 'cause it wasn't that hard. Then it got harder and so we got to go home. There was this big lightning bolt really close to the parking lot. Scary! So hopefully I'll run the mile really fast today.
August 16, 2004
Field Hockey!!!
Yay!!!!! I started hockey season today! We have practices in the morning from 8:30-10:00 and in the afternoon from 4:00-6:00. We have to be able to run the mile in under 9 minutes by Thursday Afternoon. Hopefully I can. I'm gonna go to a park down the road to run Tue. Wed. & Thur. around 10:30. Anyhow, I hope I have a lot of fun in following practices.
August 15, 2004
A new "Online Journal"
Well I'm gonna try this out. Hopefully easier than I think it will be. Having a little trouble but I'm sure I can get it fixed.
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