
September 23, 2004


Wow! It has been a long time since I last wrote. Ok I don't think Jv has won any more field hockey games. We tied against Eastern 0-0. Nobody scored. Varsity won in overtime 2-1. I hope we get more wins. Today we played Kennard-Dale (undefeated). Varsity lost 2-1 and JV lost 3-0. It should have been only 1-0 because two of their goals went off of someone's foot. I think the refs. were leaning toward them the whole game. but it happens. We had a bunch of time when we took a hit up the field. Then I sprinted for it and got to it. When I tried to hit it into the circle though, someone got it and hit it the other way. Saturday Varsity plays Christian School of York. Next Wednesday we have an away game at West York. Next Home Game is Tues. Oct. 5 against Eastern. Hopefully we win some more games. We'll win against West York probably. They aren't too good from what I hear.

I'm thinking of joining student senate. Not too sure about it though. I'll have to think about it. Well, night.

September 13, 2004

Field Hockey game!

Ok so we had a home game today against littlestown, right. Varsity just lost 3-4. Really close game. Their winning goal shouldn't have counted. But anywho. Then JV played. And won! We won 3-1 against Littlestown Stickers. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Go JV! Lauren got 2 goals and Jess got 1. Yippee. Can you tell I'm happy? We won our first game of the season. I guess I wasn't "stretching it too far." : ) I think people should come watch us. More than just parents anyhow. The Varsity starts at 4:15 and JV(I play) starts around 5:30 Our next home game is Thursday against Fairfield. Littlestown was really rough. Some people were getting kinda mad. The rest of the day was fine. Kinda boring. Longer class periods seem to make the day go faster. Probably becaus there are less classes. Well I should go.

P.S Anonymous- I'm not very good at guessing games. It could be a lot of people. I don't even know where to start...: )

September 11, 2004

God Bless the USA!

This goes out to people who lost a family member in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also to all the soldiers who are over in the middle east and other place protecting this country. This country is free because of the brave. God bless you! & God Bless the USA!

I'm proud to be an American!

Update, Update!

Yay! I'm excited about updating for some reason. Ok. Wednesday. I cant' remember back that far. Nothing special. We had practice inside Spring Forge cause of a little rain. And it was short too. On Thursday, a lot of stuff happened. In the morning normal calsses. Science-test, hmrm-boring, ceramics-finished my relief project,. Then I got out early to go to a doctor's appointment in Hershey for my back. It didn't get much worse. I stopped my medicine then it wasn't really helping. By the way Ch. 1 had another story about growth hormone. That's like 2 in half a year it seems. Anyhow, then my parents drove me up to Biglerville for our field hockey game. This is the exciting part. We watched the varsity, i don't remember the score. Then we went out and played. Right at the end of the first half, the one girl on our team got a goal. First one of the season. We just about freaked out. We were like Oh my gosh we got a goal. Too bad Martha(our coach) wasn't there. :( We lost 2-1 not too bad. Next week we have 3 games. Monday home against Littlestown, Wednesday away at Hanover, and Thrusday home against Fairfield. Maybe we can win one. That might be stretching it though. Friday- picture day I think i blinked. Nothing special. Today we went to some rally. Other than that nothing happened. My parents want me outside. Even though I'm outside 10 hours a week for practice/games. More than some people. Oh well should go.

September 7, 2004


I'm tired. We had a game today home against Bermudian Springs Eagles. They were really good on defense. We only got down to the circle a couple of times. The Varsity score was 3-1 and JV was 5-0. I think we played better though. It's kinda hard to tell. And the refs didn't know what they were doing. Maybe they saw things. I don't know. Anywho. Now i'm sittin here all smelly need to take a shower. I played a whole game. I didn't go out at all. Really tiring. Won't do that again. School was ok. I spent half the day thinking it was the 6th. Hope everyone had a fun day of for labor day!

September 4, 2004


It's been a really long time since I last wrote. I have now finished 8 days of high school. Yay! Before I know it, it'll be the second marking period. Yesterday, we had our first field hockey game. Yay! We didn't do so well, but they were a really good team. We were away at Delone Catholic. The Varsity played first and I thought they played very well. Score was 2-0. Then we played. I play front line. It was a lot of fun, even though we lost 6-0. I almost scored a couple of times though. On Tuesday we play home against Bermudian Springs. Hopefully it will be just as much fun.
We might go to a corn maze sometime this weekend. We haven't decided yet. Oh well. Oh, does anyone (familiar to Blogger) now how to show another blog on the blog? Somehow I want to put the family blog link on this one. Didn't figure out how to though.