
November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yay! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving so we get to eat turkey! and cranberry sauce!! Yay! Well I was thinking at lunch that i should update this and put some of my thoughts on here so here goes.
Spanish - Today was ok actually only because we didn't do anything. We had a party (kinda) w/ cookies & donut holes & candy and we played games. Dominoes was fun. Other than that we did absolutely nothing! Yes! We should do that more often. Had to help Steph with her hw some more. I can't remember some of that Alg stuff. I'm not sure if it's 1 or 2.
Homeroom - Eh nothing much happened. A really short period. got new report cards. talked about the dance and selling tickets and stuff. Ooo
Snowball Dance
December 10; 7-10
Northeastern High School - $3
English - Oh another fun class. So our Poe Packets were due. then we watched a weird Sleepy Hollow movie. Haha we were making fun of how everything moved and stuff. And we didn't really pay any attention to it. Then we compared terror elements between movies and books. Ooo and during the movie we did Pollyana. I definately don't know who everyone has :cough cough: oh well that's ok. couldn't think of much to put on my list.
Lunch - Well lunch is lunch. Random person sat beside me again. Jacob Moritz... Makes me nervous for some reason. I think Carolyn has got into my head. oh well.
Crafts - Got our floor clothes graded-95% Yay! I got to bring it home for thanksgiving. It's so pretty. the black didn't turn out as well as possible but oh well. now we started boxes. Yay!
Gym - Gym was fun today. We played Matball. w/ guys but it wasn't as bad as expected. It seemed like they were being nicer to the girls but maybe that was just me. Woohoo it's Lazy Bum week. Yay! haha
Now- I'm not doing anything. definitely can't wait until tomorrow. I should probably go make a pie. It's not a big thing down here though.

November 16, 2005

Daddy turned 46 yesterday!!!

Yay Woohoo! Daddy's birthday was yesterday. Mom's is on the 27th as is Courtney's. Thanksgiving is next thursday! Feliz Dia de Gracias!! Nothing else happening really Kristi has a bad cough/flu and stayed home today. I had some type of flu thing thru today. but i feel much better today. Spanish-is same. English-yesterday she gave us deadline dates and now i'm really scared of this paper we have to do. she isn't like Ms. Barlow so we can't wait until the last minute. Boohoo. and we have to do source cards and notecards. It's really fun! Crafts is ok so far. we are working on Floor Clothes. i think our goal is to have them done around Fri. but not sure that mine will be done by then. Gym is ok too. pretty much free periods. did 5 miles on the bike today. only 8 more aerobic things to go. yay! got report cards today. won't go into that. don't want to say how great i did. hehe! Early dismissals today and tomorrow. Yay! doesn't leave us with much time for gym but oh well. filed trip on tuesday. Yay! will have to make up a vocab test but i can probably do that mon. hopefully. i think Abby and Paige are going too. not sure bout Tara though. going to the play on Fri. looked funny yesterday. can't wait! tons of stuff goin on Sat. kristi's soccer game and party 1:15 and 4:30 the off to a hockey game in hershey at 7:00 oh and i think we have an x-tra ticket so... if anyone is interested.... nothin els. that i can think of anyway. got to go. buh byes

November 4, 2005

German Machine Warning!

Haha found this on top the computer its really funny!



Dieser Machinenmacher kontrol ist nicht fur Gefingerpoken und Mittengraben. Oderwise ist es easy schnappen der springwerk, fusen blowen, und poppenkorken mit spitzensparken. Der Maschine ist fur usen bei der Experten only. Es ist nicht fur gewerken bei Dummkopfen. Das rubbernecken Sightseeren keepen die kottenpicken Hands in dem Pockets. Relaxen, stzbacken, un watchen die wunderbare Lights blinken - excepten wenn der Computermaschine beginnt zu stinken und smokin und huffen und puffen. Dann pullen dem plug und hiden unter dem Desk!

haha isn't that awesome. well nothing is really going on. Mom went to try to get a signal on her cell phone and Dad and Opa went to Home Depot for a toilet and plywood.

November 3, 2005

Off to NY

Well we are going to New York this weekend. leaving soon after Dad gets home. school has been eh.. today was the end of the 1st marking period. kinda weird thinking that Desktop Publishing and Safety Education are over. bittersweet i guess is the word. hopefully crafts will be fun. Mrs. Truax was saying the other day how the things they make are really cool. so sounds fun. and gym i have with Abby and Paige and other people i think. so that should be fun. Span- we did nothing today. We convinced her to let us have a party but then i was the only one to bring stuff in stupid people. and we also convinced her that since it's a 4-day weekend there was no sense in starting a new chapter. so we talked about the Day of the Dead and played Spanish hangman. haha that was fun. los electrodomesticos-haha that was funny jimmy put it as the word but then people were like it's on page 486 or something. and since it's a really long word it was really easy to figure out. Eng- Mr. A, was in watching Mrs. Bond today. she was acting all weird and didn't get sidetracked at all. and we did stuff all period. darn. anyway we have vocab due Tues. and we have an essay due thurs. but we have to have a thesis statement and the topic sentences all written by Tues err. stupid hw over the long weekend. so yeah. Ooo Ny- we are coming back Sun. instead of mon. so i get to be home that's kind of good...I guess. other than this little sister thing. oh well gotta go. buh bye