
August 31, 2005


Yay! I think. So we started school today. It wasn't bad. it was nice to see everybody. in spanish there is only 3 other girls. and it is boring. in english there is 11 of us. that seems like it will be a fun class. other than all of the writing. lauren, tara, alicia,melissa... and other people are there so that's cool. desktop publishing isn't bad. carolyn and paige are in the row behind me so... hopefully it won't be as easy as intro. safety ed. seems...interesting. Mr. forry seems a bit weird but idk. maybe it's just 1st impression. and none of my friends are in that classes. boohoo. senate is gonna be fun i think. lunch- we got to sit at our old table. yay! carolyn and paige alicia sit there and some freshies. let's see practice wasn't bad. found out who forked our field unfortunately some of the girls did it to our field and the soccer field so people weren't happy aka our coaches. yeah so now they can't play the first half of the game friday. so i probably will get to start for varsity since most if not all of them were from varsity. so yep that might be fun.

August 29, 2005


Ooo so today we went jetskiing after practice again. I got to drive cause the card i have is a good license..Yay! It was fun! So hopefully we go some more before winter. apparently it isn't as busy after labor day so yeah... so what else. hockey practice was nice. only 2 hours now since the teachers/coaches started school already. we start on wed. happy and sad about that. i think i'm ready though. ooo and we had to get a new battery for the jetski before practice. we were going to go in the morning but we flooded the engine and then it wouldn't start so we went back home and drained the engine and it still wouldn't start. so we had to get a new battery. now it runs fine. and i can drive it. yay!

~oh and if anyone reads this it would be nice to know so feel free to leave comments (cept Abby who already leaves comments yay!)

August 28, 2005

School starts soon and Hockey started!!

Yay! Ok so hockey has been going for 2 weeks now. Abby is playing yay! we had a scrimmage Thursday and we have our 1st game on friday. School starts wednesday. (unfortunately) I don't know why, i'm just don't feel like going back yet. kinda confused about this senate thing and lockers and yeah and i have spanish with mrs. nagorny again. fun fun fun note the sarcasm. and i have to find a place for field hockey stuff. anyway... practice tomorrow 4-6 i think dad's staying home tomorrow. oh and i have to figure out which tennis games to go to. Oh and I found out couple of days ago that Andrea is coming back!! I didn't really expect her to come back, but yea. maybe she'll be in more of my classes. since i'm not sure how many of my friends, if any are in my classes. I know a couple are in English w/ me- Lauren, Cari, Tara. and hopefully i know some people in my lunch. and Abby is in senate. so...yea i should go eat something. oo i almost forgow. we got a jetski!!! and we went today to ride. that was fun! I didn't get to drive though. anywho...

August 21, 2005


Yay!! That party was fun! so i got there yesterday and we went swimming and then we went to Giant and we had tons of fun. So Lauren and Abby were already there then later Alicia and Ariel showed up. When mamaw came to pick me up she didn't know where to go lol. so we walked down to the end of the driveway/lane. we stayed up til at least 3. got up round 9. Yay! wonder if that smiley thing will work. hmm will have to see. ~well it didn't. oh well can't wait to see all of my friends again. I should call some of them tomorrow.

August 20, 2005

Pool party!

Yay! the pool party is today! don't know what i'm doing tomorrow yet though. i should go pack though.

August 15, 2005


yuck i hate this english thing i was talking to Lauren and she's already done with the first one. ahh! so i should go start writing it even though i didn't finish outlining the last paragraph. yeah. then i was talking to abby bout field hockey. hopefully she comes to practice. i really think she'll have fun playing. anyway today we are just going to talk about some papers and go for a quick run. so yeah not much maybe i'll do some stickwork when i get home.

August 11, 2005

Ay yi yi

yep what different day. i was reading Abby's site earlier and Rel's moving! OMG! :'( I gonna miss her. a lot.

well i worked on my english essay some more i actually started an outline. good start. i hope to work on it over the weekend, but not sure how that will work out. yep. talked to tara again. she's going to the poconos tomorrow. sounds like fun.

August 8, 2005

I got my schedule!

Yay! I got my schedule on Saturday!
1&2 Spanish 1 Mrs. Nagorny :'(
3 English Mrs. Bond
A Lunch
4 Desktop Publishing Ms. T Kling (1st mp)
4 Crafts Ms. McBrien (2 mp)
5 Safety Education Mr. Forry (1 mp)
5 Gym Mrs.McGhee (2 mp)

1&2 Adv. Comp. App. Mr. Zirkle
3 US History Mr. Brenner -I wonder if he is coming back
4 Biology Mr. Sipe
C Lunch
5 Trig Mr. Firestone

Yay! And I found out that I have classes with some of my friends. Let's see. I have English with Lauren and Cari; I have English, Gym, Biology, and C lunch with Tara; Gym and Biology and C lunch with Abby; and A lunch and US history with Alicia Woohoo!

started working on my english thing. yuck. anywho gotta go. byes :)