
January 31, 2005


I'm running out of titles for these posts. I wonder if you can take them off. I'll have to see. Let's see. Today is the last day of January. Tomorrow it is February 1. The month went too fast. Soon it will be spring and all the snow will melt. and the ground will unfreeze. Boohoo. Today. Spanish was boring like usual. Most of it i've heard of before. Geometry We did boring new chapter on Angles. Yay! So boring. In English we talked about novels. We have to pick books for a research project by friday. Yay! I should go to a library or Borders. Civics was kinda boring. The activites are interesting. Sub again of course. Mr. Carney had a family emergency on Thursday so he isn't back yet. Must be pretty bad. Just got done playing Scene it! with Kristi and Dad. Mom went to parent meeting at my school. I found that this agenda thing does work for writing down assignments. Especially if I try to use it. The past week the days are all filled in and i didn't forget anything yet! Even though it has only been six days. Kristi is kinda sick. Had sore throat and congestion. She's coughing a lot too. Hope i don't get sick. Sounds like a lot of missed work to me. Well bye.

January 25, 2005


Ok second official day of second semester. yay! Lunch was awesome once again. Yesterday some 10th grader sat next to me. Today Carolyn sat next to me so i had somebody to talk to. Yay! Other than Abby of course. I think i like round tables better though. It seems like it was easier to be part of the conversations. oh well. It's better than before. Ew. That guy is coming again. My parents got a new financial advisor or whatever he's called. Anyway he's coming to our house again tonight. It's like the fourth time he's been here in the past 2 months. And of course Kristi and I have to find something to do. So we play a game for awhile and then she gets mad at me and goes and watches tv instead. Tonight I'm hoping she will entertain herself (yeah right!) and I can get homework done. In Spanish we watched this stupid movie about why we should learn Spanish. Maybe if we learned some stuff we would enjoy it more. I can't wait until we get Spanish names. It's weird cause to go to the bathroom you have to say Me permite iR al bano? Yep. Let's see in geometry we watched the rest of the video that we started yesterday. Very interesting. ; ) In english we went over the things we will be doing. In Civics we actually got a syllabus. Yep and we start Chapter 1. That was my day. And i have a ton of homework. So i should go do that.

January 23, 2005


So what if it has been almost 2 weeks since i last updated. I've been very busy. (sarcasm) Lets see. Wednesday and Thursday we had finals. They were ok. I liked getting out by 10:45. I had a final in Science that i got a 93% on. In ceramics we had to go in for no reason. or to clean up. The second day i didn't have a final the first period so i didn't come in until 9:05. Then the drafting final was so easy I was sure i missed something so i spent like 10 minutes just looking over it trying to figure out what was wrong. I guess nothing was. That's about it. I got out of the school by 11:00 on both days. On monday we start a whole new semester. All new classes and teachers. I'm kinda nervous. A whole new schedule to get used to and all core classes. I do have my schedule memorized though. So yep.. Oh i just got a new bookbag finally. My old one had a broken handle so yep i got a new one. I went shopping friday to spend gift cards. I got some nice new clothes even though i'm always nervous about wearing them to school.

I had this idea of starting a charity it sounds really dumb now cause it's been in my head so long. But anywho. I thought that it would be neat to start a charity that donated stuffed animals and/or quilts to needy kids/families. I don't know. Just an idea i had when i sat down really bored. I'm not really sure how i thought of it. Anyway i should go, bye

January 9, 2005

Happy New Year!

Yep, I know, kinda late. But it's only Jan. 9th. Anyhow. Vacation was great. And fun. I got lots of neat stuff. It's amazing how the holidays change as you get older. It used to be get a lot of toys and yeh the clothes, where now it's more get nice clothes and stuff but there's no toys. Well some people might consider some things toys, but. I guess you can get old for certain toys. Darn! I really enjoyed being young and not worrying about certain things. When your biggest worry is not being able to play outside when it's raining. Now... Yep That's way too philosophical for me. Last week was ok. In science I think we have a test tomorrow. Should probably study for that. In ceramics i finished making my last three projects. They still have to dry and get fired... Gym I'm not sure what we are going to do. We learned lacrosse last week. That was fun. In drafting i'm done everything but the final project. So i have nothing to do other than extra credit. Yep doesn't it sound fun? Some of it is. Well gotta go to bed.