
October 29, 2005

Let's Fall Back!

Hehe..tonight daylight saving ends i we gain an hour of doing whatever we want..most likely sleeping yay!
let's see what have i done since last time...well i've been working on the colors and stuff on the bolg..also added blogrings which are from's crazy cuz i have a xanga and a blog.. The xanga has 1 entry saying see my blog. I mainly use it to see everyone else's xangas. now i have joined blogrings so don't how that works but anyway..

Thursday-nothing much Eng.-had a vocab test we had to write 12 sentences!!! ahh! i didn't like that. last time it was only 8 i think. anyway...Desktop is ok we finished CRAP and prolly reviewed... Safety Ed. -i don't remeber what we did. I think we got our projects back..I got a 98/100 just because i didn't underline some people's names err that's dumb.. We didn't do anything thursday night that i remember. so on to-
Friday-Span-been working on dialogues for a shopping trip oh my. She decided to put the 4 girls together (Morgan, Jess Vehar, Steph..?, and me) in a group.. for some unknown reason Steph is hardly ever in class so we were writing her part for her. ..Eng-We went to the library today. to work on our research projects.. I still only have 2 criticisms. I think we are supposed to have 3-4 maybe even 5? I'm not sure Mrs. Bond ever cleared that up.. That's all we did in English.. Desktop-Mrs. Kling wasn't there so we were supposed to work on our finals. I don't have an idea for a nice restaurant so i didn't do anything at all. need to think of an idea soon. Can't believe the mp is over on Thursday. It seems like it flew right by. Safety Ed-worked on workbooks. i need to take some tests on the computer sometime for that class. also saw some nice presentations from people. They had to for certain projects haha. OO friday night we went to Kara's play which was awesome.. I was really impressed. I don't know what i was expecting, but yeah.
Today..we haven't done much. we went to Kristi's soccer game. They lost.. again. I wish i could help but i don't want to offend Dad or the other coach. Maybe next session i will be a coach. Oo and i also got a book from the volunteer center. There are a bunch of places listed in it that could use materials and volunteers awesome.. a bunch of them had age limits like older than I could do some of that stuff..they are agist-i wonder if that's a word. I'l have to look it up. I understand if you need to drive someone around then you should prolly be 18 but like deskwork um a 10-year-old could do that. err. well i'm hungry and supper is almost ready so buh bye

October 26, 2005

Party and School!

Yay! So let's see. Alicia's party was awesome. saturday night was fun. i "dressed" up as a field hockey cheerleader (nonexistant) yay! we stayed up til around 4 most of us anyway. we talked a bunch. let's see what else has happened. nothing. Eng. is eh.. we are now working on like 10 things at once. I really hate it-
1. big research project due at the end of the semester sometime-very scary.
2. movie review due next Wednesday- we watched the movie The Crucible so yeah.
3. we split into 2 groups the 1 day and read 2 different stories, but we never got back to that.
4. Vocab is kinda ongoing. unit due every other Tuesday. tomorrow we have Unit 4 test.
5. ...Ok 4-I can't think of anything else but i'm sure there is. sometimes i forget what we do since we do so much ugh!
DP is getting scary now. she is giving us from friday til next thusday (the end of the marking period woohoo!) to work on our final which is a big project. that makes me think that it will be very big! so that scares me.
SE is probably gonna be downhill from here. We handed in our final projects. so all that seems to be left is maybe a little new stuff, reviewing, and of course our final. then off to Crafts and Gym (my new 2nd marking period classes)! Yay! I wonder if we will have mid-terms in Span or Eng. I'll have to check into that.
Other things. Well i still don't really have a life. I want to go to the soccer game tomorrow so if anyone is going let me know. Ooo Kara's play is Fri and Sat. definitely going to 1 of them. not sure what else i'm doing this weekend...probably a ton of fun stuff. er it's too cold. it's like fall didn't come it skipped right to winter. well maybe not quite since it's not like 30 degrees out. but oh well. i should prolly go do something productive like put away clean clothes. oo i got this thing from the Nation Youth Leadership Forum on Technology. Apparently Mr. Engle (ahh!) nominated me to go to this forum out in California! It's crazy. so yeay that's all. Bye!

October 22, 2005

Halloween Party!

Yay soon is Alicia's Halloween party! It's going to be fun! Last year I didn't get to go but oh well. Oh and this costume thing...mine is going to be lame. I liked the idea of a smurf but the hair dye once i though about it didn't sound like a good idea. if i do fall asleep (which I hope NOT to do) i would get dye (assuming that it wasn't permanent or anything) would get on whatever i have my head on i.e. pillow, bed...etc. so yeah. So i decided to be something else...I won't say what until AFTER the party in case ppl didn't want to know until then. but i think that it is lame. but hopefully not so bad. idk. anyway had a field hockey party last night. SOMEONE ditched it to go to a football game not mentioning any names :cough Abby cough:..haha it was ok just a get together at coach's house where we had pizza oo and Rachel brought rice krispies..they were really good. basically just around and listened to conv. and talked to ppl. laughed at people fighting over the ottoman. haha. saw some nice music videos on VH1..not the songs were ok i guess. some of the videos were..interesting i can't believe yesterday was Friday and we had school. it seems like so long ago. Span. is like always i should leave that out of all my posts it depresses me. Eng. was fun on fri. we got to watch the Crucible movie. it is creepily kind of like i had pictured it. the people anyway. i didn't picture the setting at all so.. Desktop is ok. we started learning about CRAP. isn't that nice? they stand for elements in a publication-Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity. Yay.. Safety Ed is eh. Been working on final project due tuesday. I have it almost finished. just got to tape a video thing. other than that nothing. i have like no life anymore since hockey season is over. i have a ton of time now. last game was on tuesday. it seems like forever ago. well buh byez

October 16, 2005

It's October...16th!

hehe it has been a whole month since I last updated. As you can guess I don't remember what happened every day. So let's see. Hockey is fun. Varsity won 1 game against the Christian School of York. Jv didn't win any more. And our last game is on Tuesday. Our last game-Thrusday- wasn't too bad. The coaches were out-of-it for Jv it seemed. both hlves we only started with 10 people on the field. we were really confused the 1st half. There was only 3 people on front line. we prolly could have had a goal but yea. The 2nd half i got to play mid cause that was the open spot. that was ok I am not comfortable there yet though. and it confused a couple of people. Kris got a guinea pig last saturday named Caramel. Saturday, Oct. 1st was homecoming. that was fun. my dress was purple! yay! we decorated yesterday for halloween. classes-span is still horrible everyone is prolly sick of me complaining about it. Eng. is better than it was. Mrs. Bond is really cool. desktop is ok. it's really easy for me but it's not as boring. Safety ed is ok. I've been working on my final project thing for a little while now. oh and i really want a puppy. now we are going to get some stuff from the store.