Wow! I can't believe that school is one day away. Kristi already started so I had two free days! Yay! I'm a little nervous about high school, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. It hasn't hit me yet that I'm going to high school. At least I know some people there from field hockey. Yesterday there was an open house/ ice cream social at the high school. First some teachers and principals talked. Then we got in tour groups and toured the school. Last we went to the cafeteria to get "ice cream." Actually it was raspberry and orange sherbert frozen yogurt on sticks. 99% fat free. Yuck! They had pretzels though. We were the last ones there. It took really long too. Well, Byes
Cool blog. (What does bolg stand for?)
Let not your heart be troubled - you will do just fine in high school. Just be yourself and make your own decisions. Try not to let the peer pressure get to you too much.
Sorry - I meant blog, not bolg.
Hey, guess i'm a lil late. we've been in school three days now. haha. The high school is so crazy! everyone hates us poor little 9th graders. I wish we had some classes together this semester. :-( well good luck! <3 Abby
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