Hi! It's halloween. I'm visiting family in upstate new york. Today I might be going trick-or-treating later. Then I will probably hide pumpkins. That will be fun! I always have fun up here. There's more stuff to do. Nobody lives near me in PA. And I never see anybody either. Well That's all. Don't know what to write. Byes
hmm vet...yes... Aww. I'll do stuff with you. I've been randomly inviting myself to go to the movies with REL and Church friends. They go a lot like every friday i think. So next time i invite myself i'll have to tell you! lol. Hide pumpkins? thats not a tradition i'm farmiliar with.. or did i just read that wrong? OoO! I wanna volunteer. the Senate ppls have been sending 8 ppl at a time to the Soup Kitchen thing. but yea. i haven't gone yet. and won't be going this calendar year. maybe in January.. But any ways. I am soo glad you have lunch with us now! yay! lylas- Abbynonymous
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